Book : I Am Malala

MALALA-FINAL.jpgLet me preface this write up with some facts before I go further, This part of my blog is not a book review section, I wanted to name it “books I’ve been through” but I shortened it with “Books”.
It’s hard to review these kind of books and I don’t think they should be reviewed at all. They aren’t there to entertain the audience and it is not about writing style or adjectives that the author used. These books are meant to transmit a message.
I started researching on Malala ever since her story got exposed to the world, so I couldn’t wait to finish this when I received a copy from a roadside book seller. I must say, I had a very good experience buying the book too, the lady who sold me was talking a lot about books which I normally don’t expect from a normal roadside vendor. She told me that everyone should read this book especially girls. When I said it’s for my sister, she gave me an extra discount.
“I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban” is the true story of a nineteen year old girl’s campaign for women’s right to education. In 2011 she was shot by the Taliban in a bus on her way home from school. Two men boarded the school bus “Who is Malala” they asked and fired gun shots, two lodged in Malala’s head. It is indeed a powerful book. Malala’s story is remarkable in light of women’s role in her culture and the groups fighting to persecute women. It was the Taliban that claimed responsibility for shooting Malala calling her crusade for education rights an “obscenity”. The first half of the book Malala describes Pakistan’s history including the history of her ancestors and the northern region of Pakistan, Swat where she lives. Malala also shares stories of her family, giving the reader a glimpse into the culture of Pakistan from a young woman’s perspective. Many of the stories involve Malala’s father Ziauddin Yousafzai. She describes his involvement in local politics, in the community and his vocal support of education for boys and girls. There’s no doubt Malala’s passion and courage to stand up for women’s rights stems from her father’s actions and character. Ziauddin Yousafzai defied Taliban orders by running a private school that encouraged girls to attend. Malala describes the challenges and frustrations her father faced when starting the school. The motto over the school’s door read “We are committed to build for your the call of the new era”. Her father believed the school’s students could fight the enemy with pens, not swords.
Some reviewers claimed the book was poorly written, not interesting. But the book is written in the perspective of a 14 year old girl. I imagined my 14 year self at that stage of a situation and I was disappointed, I would have blamed my gender and place I born for everything but Malala is very proud of her gender and place, she don’t have words to express the beauty of Swat valley and the innocent people out there.
Malala’s story emphasizes education’s value. Looking deeper it challenges readers to examine the role of education, its purpose and function within a society. Withholding education from certain groups within a society hinders progress, threatens peace and perpetuates poverty. These principles also apply to Western cultures where education is the starting point for eliminating poverty, reducing crime and violence in impoverished neighborhoods. There are parallels; it’s thought-provoking.
It is important that we become more familiar with the cause that Malala represents, and how groups across the world like the Taliban have attempted to take women’s rights back to the dark ages. I admire her strong stance and her peaceful voice. And the narration of the beauty of Swat valley, which is probably one of the few compliments I would pay her co writer Cristina lamb.

Malala has never hidden that face not when the Taliban insisted on it, and not when she emerged from her battle for survival to stand before the members of the United Nations in July and deliver her message yet again, a little louder.

“I am Malala” is a compelling read. She as an individual is a remarkable women who is a hero for women’s right to a quality education. With her father, Malala created the Malala Fund that supports education for women including the Global Partnership for Education. The book is a good starting point for learning about the complexities of women’s rights in some countries and education access. “I am Malala” delivers a message to each reader about the value of education.
Education empowers.



Live and let live

This post is one of my first ones after a long break. I left blogging for so long due to many reasons – work, holidays, exhaustion and most of all, lack of self-motivation. And now I realized motivating yourself to keep on blogging is not the hardest part. Coming back with bags of enthusiasm, new ideas, and most of all – grasping the fact that your own work has been left out there for so long was the most difficult thing. I had this weird feeling of guilt that I failed myself get my own stuffs running.

So let me get back to track again, and this is a painting i did in support of LGBT communities in India and over the world.


Medium : watercolor on paper
Work : Live and let live

with lots of LOVE


The Unnamed Art



Hi everyone,

It’s been a passive month and i wanted to post something here, so here we are.

Every painting has a story, and this is a simple and quickly done painting one or two years back and the crazy thing about it is that I did it on a night before my final semester exams  :p

I haven’t named it yet so feel free to call it anything you like 🙂


The Impression

[A free time in office chatting with the girl whom I never spoken before sitting behind me through local IP messenger]

Me: Hi
She: hi
Me: Please do check my blog if you have time:
She: So you a writer?
Me: well I don’t know I’m just trying to build some audience on the blog so that when I write/draw something good it’ll reach out people.
She: I had a sneak peak, tell me a story now 😉
Me: a story?
She: ya anything like a flash fiction or something, lemme see what ya got :p
Me: well, ya let me think for a while.
She: okkie
Me: Once upon a time there was a guy who believed that one sided love is the purest form of love, No complaints, no demands and no risk of heart breaks and he thought, he could never express it but still pursue the love of his life forever.

And then I turned around and looked into those beautiful eyes trying to communicate my heartbeat.

She: The End?
Me: The End.


Light the lamp of love


Light the lamp of love

Again i’m here with an old work of mine, Initially i planned to post this on March 8th, World Women’s Day but i felt there is no need of observing a day for women, they are equal to men.
And there’s no room for such thoughts here, so i decided to post it as i don’t have any new updates currently.

I’m dedicating this to all women around me, my mom, my sister and all my dear friends.

About the Work : 
“Light the lamp of love”
Medium : Watercolor on paper
Date : 08/03/2015

P.S: The work is bit messy, i did it in a rush with watercolors instead of acrylic.



Dancing girl


Dancing girl

This is one of my old works, i gifted it to my sister on her b’day 🙂
She inspired me a lot to pursue my passion, so i thought of posting this for her.

Dear sissy this one’s for You!

About the Work : 
“Dancing girl”
Medium : Watercolor on paper
Date : 22/08/2014

P.S: I’m sorry about the watermark, it was an old file i took from the vault.
